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Insight Timer – Self Care with Dr. Julia Mossbridge

We want to heal others, but this capacity is only sustainable if we know how to care for ourselves. This 8th episode dives deeply into why and how self-care works. Dr. Adam Rizvi (neurointensivist), Dr. Julia Mossbridge (research psychologist and cognitive neuroscientist) host a conversation with Dr. Michael Sapiro (clinical psychologist) about vulnerability, sadness, loving our emotions, and caring for our bodies. Must-listen for healers and social justice workers alike.

About Dr. Julia Mossbridge:

My focus is on teaching and learning about love and time. I lead related projects, conduct research, teach, and coach technology executives and engineers. I am a Fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and an Associated Professor in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. I am the co-author of Transcendent Mind (with Imants Baruss), The Premonition Code (with Theresa Cheung), and the author of The Calling. Please join my Hope Workout Circle on Insight Timer at
