Welcome to my site! I would like to invite you to explore what I hope helps you become the best version of yourself in this lifetime. I am here to support your growth and transformation, and that of your organization and business, so that in turn, you may also serve the world.
By nature, I am a very transparent person, and believe in being real. What I share with you comes from my experience and through making many mistakes over my life. We are all in this together and my job is to lead you to your own wisdom, not to have you replicate mine.
I deeply value directness, honestly, and vulnerability, and believe authenticity is the key to not only good mental and spiritual health, but to a life of thriving.
In my work, I integrate Buddhist and Nondual teachings and practices with psychology and science to help people unlearn programming, unlock potential, and awaken the heart where our deepest wisdom and creativity are kept.
It is from within the awakened heart where a life of thriving and alignment is possible.
This is your life; use your energy and attention well. Your future depends on what you do with your life now. I am here to help you create a loving and healthy relationship to yourself, your body, your mind and psyche, and to the greater cosmos in which we are found.
I am here to help you live fully.Thanks for stopping by!
Rest a while. Join the community. Take a class. Read the book.
I hope you stay.